Charles W. Calmbacher, Ph.D., CIH

Charles Calmbacher, Ph.D., is a Certified Industrial Hygienist with over 50 years of experience in environmental, health, and safety management; consultation; remediation and teaching. He is the past chair of the AIHA Government Relations Committee and the Publications Committee. He has consulted with major refineries, including Exxon, Sun Oil Company, Lyondell Chemical and Calloway Chemical. He taught Emergency Response and Hazardous Material Control courses to industrial, governmental and academic groups throughout his career. He has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in toxicology, air quality, industrial hygiene, solid and hazardous waste management, and hazardous waste operations and emergency tesponse at the University of Georgia. He developed and initiated the Hazardous Material Control and Emergency Response Program at the Georgia Tech Research Institute. While serving at the Army Environmental Hygiene Agency, he initiated the Hazardous Waste identification and Testing Program used Army-wide. Calmbacher has extensive experience working for and consulting with government, industrial, health care, and academic organizations. He has over 90 publications on a variety of EHS topics.