And that's why you need a relief valve! by Scott W. GriffinHonorable Mentions
"The last thing I remember is them saying; 'Don’t worry, this is a friendly audit - we are here to help you.'" by Larry Shade
"It was just a little dust. . ." by José de A. Coelho
"Tonight, I would like to share my thoughts on the chemical processing phrase, 'BOOM, UP SHE GOES!'" by Chuck Lewis
Other Submissions
"A funny thing happened on the way to this speech." by Ray Rachel
"And then he said “What happens if I push this red one?" by Larry Shade
"As your corporate safety manager, I feel highly uncomfortable kicking off this conference." by John F. Micheli
"A funny thing happened on the way to the forum. . ." by Jim McDow
"And when I woke up in the Hospital, I remembered it's add acid to water, not water to acid." by Robert Andrew
"And that’s when I remembered the proper safety protocol . . ." by Robert Andrew
"And this is why there should also be protection for the left handed employees in these packing machines!" by Nídia Sá Caetano
"Other than the recent 'minor' incident, it has been a great year for process safety at the Plant!" by Scott J. Weston
"Remember, safety is no accident." by Dale Stout
"I'd like to thank all of you who helped with making my new safety training video, 'How Not to Do It.'" by Harold Paine
"If the injuries of the past year were to happen to one individual it would look like this! Next year, Bill will be on display. Let's not hurt him." by George M. Hudak
"And as my wife was beating me I kept saying it's 'CPS' not 'PMS.'" by George M. Hudak
"And so, in conclusion, I apologize for basically being an idiot and not following the rules." by George M. Hudak
"This is NOT my 'Halloween Costume,' it is my failure to follow rule #7, subsection 4, paragraph 3 of the Plant Operating manual." by George M. Hudak
"If they had finished taking the rest of the LEFT side of my body, I would be ALL RIGHT now!" by Jim McDow
"Well . . . I had already done that task a hundred times and this event never happened before. . ." by José de A. Coelho
"As you can see for yourself, the company's story that a car back fired in the parking lot and that there was not an explosion in the chemical lab was a bit misleading." by Chuck Lewis
"Hey... I am the live example of not following Chemical Process Safety...!! Ha Ha Ha..!!" by Aditi Rathod
"You call this a safety class? Look What happened to me!" by Donald Drummond
"No...I'm NOT the Mummy, but, I have now decided on my Halloween costume this fall!!" by Dean Kirkner
""Hello, My name is Mayhem, and this is an example of what not to do!" by Robert Andrew