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Check Out Site Upgrades, Top Content On Chemical Processing

Nov. 25, 2018
You should find the new menu bar helpful for navigating the site

Have you noticed the new coat of paint on ChemicalProcessing.com? We’ve switched to a palate that favors cranberry.


We’ve also updated our navigation interface to a “hamburger” menu bar. It’s called that because the three horizontal lines next to “menu” look like a burger — bun, patty, bun.

Simply click on the hamburger and a menu drops down underneath. Here, you’ll find all the sections of our site (automation, processing equipment, asset management, environmental protection, safety/security and utilities/energy). Clicking on the triangle to the left of the topic provides a breakdown so you can really target what you’re looking for on our site. The menu also houses our main landing pages for technical resources, news, columns & blogs, eNewsletters & magazines, products & vendors, and fun. To close the menu, click on the hamburger again.

Now, let’s explore which particular content has attracted the greatest attention on the site this year. So, here, based on 2018 page views at presstime, is a list of the most popular content by type.

Top Articles

1. Mixers: Don’t Let Baffles Baffle You
Understand the role of baffles and best practices for them.

2. 2018 Salary Survey: Hiring and Salaries Steam Ahead
Annual job satisfaction and salary survey shows mostly positive signs all around.

3. Find Tank Wetted Surface Area
Rigorous equations enable accurate determinations for vessels with various head types.

Top News

1. Pioneer In Process Safety Dies
A champion of process safety and a friend to Chemical Processing has passed away.

2. Evonik Will Cut Up To 1,000 Jobs By 2020
Evonik reportedly set the target of permanently reducing administrative and selling expenses by €200 million worldwide by the end of 2020.

3. ACC Responds To Arkema Indictment
The American Chemistry Council releases statement in response to a grand jury indictment against Arkema, Inc.

Top Columns

Chemical Reaction Blog

1. Farting Bug Is A Wonder Of Science
Inside the bombardier’s abdomen lies a blast chamber where two chemicals react to form a superheated spray.

2. Here Comes the Sunscreen Ban
A new law in Hawaii will ban any sunscreen that contains oxybenzone and octinoxate due to effects on coral reefs and marine life.

Compliance Advisor

1. EPA Clarifies Chemical Review Process
Agency determines new polymer chemical has no “reasonably foreseeable” hazardous risk.

2. EPA Eyes Nonylphenol Ethoxylates
Reporting looms for use of the chemicals due to their high toxicity to aquatic organisms.

End Point

1. IChemE Council Survives No-Confidence Vote
Fifty disgruntled members had posed a motion against the leadership.

2. Lasers Target Carbon Dioxide
Novel approach uses a photochemical process to make the gas reactive.

Energy Saver

1. Do You Understand Partial Pressures?
Non-azeotropic mixtures can cause problems in ancillary equipment.

2. Don’t Jump to Solutions
Carefully review all possible avenues before taking a heat exchanger off line.

Field Notes

1. Interview Tips: Keep These Questions To Yourself!
You can’t probe into certain crucial points during an employment interview.

2. Plant Design: Overcome a Site’s Lack of Drawings
Follow a few pointers to efficiently produce essential diagrams.

From The Editor

1. CSB Takes On A New Meaning
Agency that investigates accidents faces formidable issues.

2. Trade Wars Create Collateral Casualties
The U.S. chemical industry may suffer substantial and sustained harm.

Making It Work

1. Canadian Refinery Recycles All Its Wastewater
Five-stage treatment system also reduces fresh water intake by more than a quarter.

2. Is Supercritical Water The Green Future Of Chemical Processing?
Industry stands to gain significant benefits and new opportunities.

Plant InSites

1. Probe Plant Personnel’s Understanding
Judge the value of inputs by the technical capabilities of the person giving them.

2. Become A Great Troubleshooter
Understand when to use structured and less-formal approaches.

Solid Advice

1. Get a Solubility Curve
You can’t solve a crystallization problem without one.

2. Develop Drying Curves
They can provide insights for solving many problems.

TRACI PURDUM is Chemical Processing's Senior Digital Editor. You can email her at [email protected]

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