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SMRP Recognizes Life Cycle Institute

Aug. 7, 2015
The Life Cycle Institute, the education entity of Life Cycle Engineering, is recognized by the Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals as an approved education provider.
The Life Cycle Institute, the education entity of Life Cycle Engineering (LCE), is recognized by the Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP) as an approved education provider. The SMRP Approved Provider Education Program recognizes education and training that align with topics and best practices related to reliability and physical asset management, which have been documented in the SMRP Body of Knowledge and/or Asset Management Landscape. The SMRP Body of Knowledge is the foundation for the ANSI-accredited Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP) credential.

Ron Leonard, chair of the Approved Provider Education Committee, says, “Our program is a new resource for practitioners seeking an additional level of validation for their training providers. Since the release of the ISO 55000 standards last year, more companies are recognizing reliability and physical asset management as a valuable business strategy and are expecting tangible results from their reliability leaders.”

LCE’s recognition by the SMRP as a leader in asset management and reliability education comes on the heels of the company’s selection as the first Endorsed Training Provider (ETP) in the U.S. by the Institute of Asset Management, according to the company.

For more information, visit: www.lce.com

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