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Finnish Biorefinery Aims To Optimize Sustainable Production

July 1, 2022
Automation software and advanced digital technologies will be incorporated to maximize performance at world’s third-largest crude tall oil biorefinery.

Fintoil biorefinery under construction in the port of Hamina-Kotka, Finland

Fintoil, together with Neste Engineering Solutions, selects Emerson’s automation software and technologies to maximize the operational performance of its biorefinery under construction in the port of Hamina-Kotka, Finland. The plant will be the third-largest crude tall oil (CTO) biorefinery in the world and produce advanced biofuel and biochemical feedstocks that help lower emissions and reduce reliance on fossil-based fuels, according to Emerson.

The plant will refine CTO, a by-product of the wood pulping process, to produce a sustainable feedstock for renewable second-generation diesel, as well as rosin, sterol pitch and turpentine used in the chemicals, foodstuffs and pharmaceuticals industries. These CTO derivatives have a carbon footprint up to 90% smaller than their fossil-based equivalents, according to Emerson.

“This state-of-the-art facility, which utilizes Neste Engineering Solutions’ Nexpinus technology, uses 40% less energy than a conventional tall oil refinery, and is the perfect example of efficient and sustainable production that supports the circular economy,” says Fintoil CEO, Jukka Ravaska, in a press release. “Working with Neste Engineering Solutions and Emerson to implement the latest digital automation technologies will enable us to operate the plant safely and efficiently, minimize operating costs and deliver large-scale production of biofuel and biochemicals as a viable alternative to fossil-based products.”

To reduce project risk and ensure schedule and budget are maintained, Emerson will apply its Project Certainty methodology, which digitalizes project execution and uses practices such as remote testing of equipment. To enhance plant security performance, Emerson consultancy services will advise on the implementation of cybersecurity best practices.

Read the press release at www.emerson.com

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