"Teamwork matters. Teamwork saves lives." That’s the battle cry from Eduardo Salas, the Allyn R. and Gladys M. Cline chair professor in Rice University’s psychological sciences department, and Scott Tannenbaum, president at The Group for Organizational Effectiveness Inc.
Salas and Tannenbaum have been studying team performance for 40 years, with particular focus on high-stakes industries where failures can be catastrophic. Their research has taken on new urgency following incidents like the 2024 Pemex Deer Park refinery tragedy, where a breakdown in team coordination led to two deaths and dozens of injuries. They co-wrote the book "Teams That Work," which outlines the drivers of team effectiveness.
They note that teamwork isn’t as simple as it seems. According to Salas — a human factors, industrial and organizational psychologist — organizations don't know about the science of teamwork. And they don't think they need to know because they think they're executing teamwork.
“I've been to many places where they say, ‘Oh, we're doing team training.’ And when I go in there, they're not really following the science,” says Salas. “They think because they have one course called ‘Teams’ or ‘Teamwork,’ that they are covering the teams concept.”
What is Teamwork?
Salas and Tannenbaum partnered with the Center for Operator Performance (COP) to survey over 400 operators, supervisors and trainers in the petrochemical industry to understand teaming requirements, risks and behaviors. COP is a group of industry, vendor and academia representatives who address human capabilities and limitations through research, collaboration and human factors engineering.
The survey identified 19 different behaviors that enable people to work together well. They placed those 19 characteristics into six competency categories: shared understanding, communications, psychological safety, support, connecting outside the team, and team learning and thinking ahead (Figure 1).
Teamwork is not simply maintaining pleasant interpersonal relationships or occasional social interactions. It represents a sophisticated interplay of skills, communication strategies and collaborative behaviors. It’s about creating robust communication channels where team members can seamlessly exchange critical technical information, acknowledge knowledge gaps and collectively solve complex problems.
Salas notes there is a distinction between dynamic teaming and traditional teamwork. “In more traditional teamwork, you're working with the same people, doing pretty similar tasks,” he says. “But what we found in the COP work is that there's as much or more dynamic teaming occurring where I may be dealing with a different maintenance person yesterday than today, I might be focused in on my group of console operators for this one thing and then it hops over to something else. So, it's this dynamic membership and dynamic tasking that makes it more challenging.”
Importance of Psychological Safety
It is imperative to create an environment where team members feel comfortable asking questions, admitting uncertainties and offering critical feedback without fear of retribution. It’s not new-age jargon meant to illicit the warm fuzzies.
“Psychological safety doesn't mean being nice to everybody all the time,” says Tannenbaum. “It doesn't mean we vote on decisions. It doesn't mean everybody is equal. It means everybody is comfortable speaking up, asking questions and admitting when they don't know something.
“You may have an organization that's doing a really good job and yet you're dealing with a leader somewhere in the organization who doesn't believe in this and who kind of squelches people. And as a result, psychological safety is lower and they're more vulnerable in that spot.”