v13 DeltaV DCS
Emerson released version 13 of the DeltaV DCS.
Emerson Process Management released version 13 of the DeltaV distributed control system (DCS). New features focus on integration, alarm management and security.
DeltaV v13 technologies include an Ethernet I/O card (EIOC) for integrating Ethernet-based subsystems and devices, including a direct interface with smart motor control centers and substations. New technologies also improve the factory acceptance testing (FAT) experience by providing enhanced safety instrumented system simulation capabilities and easy-to-use virtualization environment, according to Emerson.
With v13, the new native support for discrete outputs over wireless provides opportunities to reduce project wiring and associated costs through wireless devices. Template-based FOUNDATION fieldbus device configuration improves commissioning. New function blocks and redundant, high-density I/O provide opportunities for footprint savings and project efficiencies, according to Emerson.
The new DeltaV Alarm Mosaic alarm display enables operators to quickly identify, analyze, and respond correctly to the root cause of an abnormal process condition. DeltaV also provides trend display optimizations for better visibility of process changes. DeltaV v13 complies with national and international standards, with features including workstation hardening, extension of DeltaV smart switch technology above the area control network to ensure effective response to evolving cybersecurity threats.
For more information, visit: www.emersonprocess.com