Emerson Process Management said it will help modernize an AkzoNobel specialty chemicals plant in Herkenbosch, the Netherlands, using the company’s DeltaV digital automation system Version 11.
The scope of the project includes modernizing the process control of 7,000 I/O by replacing outdated PLCs. The first phase of the project includes 600 I/O for batch–related processes to ensure S88 compliance, along with 250 I/O devoted to Emerson's DeltaV SIS process safety system for plantwide safety management.
The “built for purpose” functionality of the DeltaV system takes advantage of the open standards of commercially available products such as switches and then adds functionality that allows the components to function like other parts of the system with plug-and-play capability and full lifecycle support, according to Emerson. The integrated batch functionality and safety system can further improve the safety and reliability of the plant.
AkzoNobel worked jointly with Emerson Process Management to modernize the plant, which was built in the 1950s and currently runs on a PLC-based control system.
For more information, visit http://www2.emersonprocess.com/en-US/brands/deltav/Pages/index.aspx