CAS Data Loggers has launched the dEX for the dataTaker DT8x family of data loggers. dEX is a complete Web-based software package for configuring, monitoring and retrieving data from the dataTaker logging systems. No special PC software is required to utilize this package. All communication and information is accessed via a standard Web browser such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. dEX software works well with loggers that may be connected remotely via Ethernet or locally via USB. The new dEX user interface provides configuration, data monitoring and interface customization functions. Setup and configuration allows users to define sampling schedules, measurement types and alarm settings for the dataTaker logging systems. Configuration settings may be saved and restored to the logger or the local computer. Functions are also available to monitor the logger status and interactively execute command. The monitor function provides real-time displays of current measure values in numeric and meter indicators along with historical data in charts. All data is downloadable for future reference. The software allows the user to customize the look of the interface, configure security settings, set up or add in help screens, and enable or disable user preferred menus. dEX is compatible with all current DT8x data loggers. These loggers, available in several different models, feature universal analog inputs for TC, RTD, thermistors, strain, voltage, resistance and current plus digital I/O’s, counters, SDI-12 and serial sensor interfaces. The DT8x data loggers can record up to 10 million data points in internal memory. A convenient USB memory stick interface facilitates transfer of data and programs for units in the field where a computer is not available.