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Li-ion Battery Manufacturing: Retractable pH Sensor with Fully Automated Maintenance Improves PCAM Process

Jan. 9, 2025
Learn how an automated pH sensor cleaning system is helping to provide enhanced battery performance.

Ensuring reliable and efficient precursor cathode active material (PCAM) processing is critical to the production of high-quality lithium-ion batteries. Although product quality relies on tight pH control, traditional reactor designs dictate the insertion of the pH sensor from the top of the vessel, making maintenance difficult and ultimately reducing the accuracy of the measurement. Recognizing that improving lithium-ion battery quality with accurate pH control is essential, Mettler Toledo developed a retractable, side-mounted, and completely automated pH measurement solution.

The Mettler Toledo EasyClean 500 ensures reliable pH measurement in the PCAM process by automatically keeping pH sensors clean and calibrated. In this Ask the Expert, Stefan van der Wal, head of industry management with Mettler Toledo, explains how his company’s innovative pH measurement solution for lithium-ion battery manufacturing overcomes conventional limitations to provide enhanced battery performance through accurate pH control.

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