I don't care if you are the new security guard. Everyone here must wear a safety helmet!
Honorable Mentions
"Now remember Buster, it is bark three times if you detect a vapor leak." Submitted by Harold Paine
"Seriously -- Timmy fell in the well?" Submitted by Susan Schmidt; Cleveland, Ohio
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"Hey boss, did you say 'close' the safety valve, or 'open' it?" Submitted by Sanket Khidkikar
"I don't care how many bones are under there. We are not moving that tank." Submitted by Tyrone Riley; Norwood, Ohio
Other Submissions
"No, this isn't the Cat cracker unit." Submitted by Bob Vaughn
"Your eyes look dilated, I knew I shouldn't of used you as a guard dog at the rave party last night." Submitted by Martin Zaidman
"Mcgaffe Homm off that tank it is no food dish . Go find your Food dish." Submitted by Donald Drummond; W. Va.
"Why can't you be like others dogs and drink out of the toilet?" Submitted by Terry Mackin
"Come on Fargo. . . .what makes you think this is a fire hydrant. It's blue for one thing and a tad too big" Submitted by Rod Mueller; Hertford, N.C.
"I know this place is a zoo, but this is ridiculous." Submitted by Jaclyn E. Shuman; Kingsport, Tenn.
"This brings a whole new meaning to 'Work like a dog.'" Submitted by Jaclyn E. Shuman; Kingsport, Tenn.
"Hey HEATH Cliff what are you doing up there? Don't you know it is too dangerous?" Submitted by Donald Drummond
"Oh, not again. Bad dog! I just cleaned out that tank!" Submitted by Kirby Hostetler; Barberton, Ohio
"Nice outfit, really funny, working like a dog. Just hurry up and finish unloading before your break." Submitted by Kirby Hostetler; Barberton, Ohio
"Let me guess, you're a Springer Spaniel" Submitted by Chuck Lewis
"I'm glad you are relieved; but, even on the other side of the tank, the result from the mechanical & chemical processes in your digestive system still permeates my nostrils." Submitted by Gabrielle Maksimovich
"Blue? Is that your name, boy?" Submitted by Margaret Steinrich; Pittsburgh, Pa.
"Why can't you just fetch a bone like any other good doggie?" Submitted by Jim McDow; Augusta, Ga.
"I suggest you stay up there till that mess you made outside of the General Foreman's door is cleaned up." Submitted by Chuck Lewis
"I said fetch the stick, that is not a stick." Submitted by Robert Andrew
"Everyone inside process plant may not be a process Engineer." Submitted by Hari S Bajpai
"I don't care if you are a St. Bernard - that beer barrel's far too big for you" Submitted by Rob Falconer; Lakeland, Fla.
"Who's a good inspector? Yes you are!" Submitted by Cameron Watt
"No ladder. . . .impressive." Submitted by Cameron Watt
"Sir, we've completed everything on the checklist and are ready to start when you say so." Submitted by Cameron Watt
"We're grateful that you took care of the feral rabbits but that's not what we hired you for." Submitted by Cameron Watt
"If anybody asks we're using the Bosch-Meiser process, now back in the tank." Submitted by Cameron Watt