Jerry King
"No one said this was a team project, Bruce... " By Elsie Konescni
"Progressive testing procedures – From Copying to Thinking to Listening to Sleeping to Sweating to Understanding." By Kambal Rao
"Oh no, we need to think outside this room." By Marvin Sager
"With the exception of Carlos, it looks like we all will be spending another Christmas in the mailroom." By Chuck Lewis
"W-h-a-t ? You mean N-O-N-E of the answers are correct? (Engineering school exam)." By Richard Wraith
"Emergency Ad hoc meeting" By Sam Kumar
"The instructions said, ‘Read the entire test first.’ The final line said, ‘Just enter your name at the bottom of the page and ignore the rest.’ (The real test is to see if you can follow simple instructions.)" By Robert Bauer
"Hello, if you are looking to improve your engineering skills but have not had the opportunity to receive formal coaching by our company, do not worry. We are here to support you." By Nain Aguado
"George!" "You're blowing the grading curve! Question 9 asks how many passengers were lost on the Titanic. You are listing them by name!" By Chuck Lewis
"Typical safety meeting engagement." By Christopher Killebrew
"Where is the emulsifier?" By Sivadasan Velayudhan
“The group on the left looks confident in their responses. It is best that we start with them.” By John Ewanish
"Wiggle your left ear and stick your tongue out for a YES answer." "Wiggle your right ear and cough for a NO answer." By Chuck Lewis