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Comical Processing: You Write The Cartoon Caption Winner April 14, 2015

Congratulations to Dan Diamantstein of Atlanta, Ga. Dan made us laugh with his witty caption.


I know you're not happy about this George, but it's like my girlfriend says, "Size does matter!" by Dan Diamantstein

Honorable Mentions

"I was speaking figuratively when I said to put this entire place under a microscope." by Kenneth Russell

"More power to you." by Dale Stout

"What did you expect for cut rate equipment from the Enormous Pundit Association (EPA)?" by Martin Czebotar

"Washington, we have a problem!" by Jonathan Morrison

"It's things like this that keep feeding those rumors of expanding government regulations." by Robert Andrew

Other Submissions

"You guys really don't mess around, do you?" by Jane Sokol

"Bob, you know you have to wear your fall protection harness when using the BIG microscope!" by Dan Wood

"If you see something moving, then RUN!!!!!!" by Marvin Sager

"We need the funds ... surely you see something Bob!" by Michael T. Green

"The OSHA fine print says we need to use a platform or 100% tie off for the ladder when using this fine print scanning microscope" by David Debari

"I thought we discussed not using this equipment until we can install aladder cage. You need FALL PROTECTION to use this equipment." by Rickey Allred

"I was wondering about that pallet of 3' X 3' plate glass. Now I see it was just slides for the scope." by George Hudak

"Surplus equipment from the EPA, now we know how the set ridiculous limits!" by George Hudak

"Bob, the safety department says you have NOT passed the Ladder Safety Course." by George Hudak

"No Larry, I still can't find the science behind the EPA ground ozone rules!" by Eric Niemeyer

"Can you see the sense in any of it now, Jerry?" by George Lavoie

"Hence this ladder has been approved by EPA Employees Protection Agency?" by Gianluca Premoli

"No wonder they bug us!!" by David Brandon

"If you think that's bad, you should look in my office." by Dale Stout

"You're going to need a bigger microscope." by Dale Stout

"Your refraction is hanging out." by Dale Stout

"That's ENVIRONMENTAL not the MENTAL Protection Agency." by Dale Stout

"When you said you needed equipment for an EPA study I did not think Eye Power Accessory!" by George Hudak

"Good I see case 1043B has be escalated. The boss says you better find something here we are about out of tricks." by Darrel Nelson

"Don't forget, you are being monitored by the Eavesdropping Police Association (EPA)!" by Marvin Sager

"Bob, How do you rotate the objectives?" by George Hudak

"Oh I see you had to use the Hubble microscope." by Kenneth Russell

"John you see it or not ?. No, it seems that we need more increase in the microscope ..." by Fernando Rodriguez

"For them you look very small." by Paulo Casteloes

"Is that the colorful life you have been promising me ?!..." by Paulo Casteloes

"Don't you think you're going a bit far in your research of that particular pollutant?" by Orlando Rainey

"You do realize, 'Putting someone under the microscope', is just an expression." by Kirby Hostetler

"If we can see it, there must be a new regulation that we need." by Bruce Veale

"And I always thought that "It wll take a big microsope to find the source of the problem" was a figure of speach that was used by bureaucrats." by Fred Durrenberger

"The boss wants to know if you've found any climate change yet." by Jim Drummond

"I guess the other one wasn't big enough, did you find anything on us yet?" by Steve Mattes

"When you said you were going to scrutinize our water situation, I really didn't picture this!" by John Opiola

"Don't cut them any slack Ivan, find every undotted i and uncrossed t..." by Larry Shade

"Ed, how is the new microscope performing...see anything yet?" by Nelson Hing


"Got to love this job right? Hurry the boss is coming. Yeah but you never told me it was a nude beach!!!" by Gilbert Rodriguez

"John, we aren't rocket scientists, we work for the EPA!" by Roger Painter

"Sid, that's not a MRSA superbug. It's a flake of dandruff from your scalp." by Mitch Monchinski

"EPA might be demanding this sample examination, but where's your safety harness? We can't ignore OSHA!" by Lawrence Foley

"Let me guess: You didn't change the purchase order from "biggest" to "most powerfull"." by Bernie Bass

"Did you find Obama's environmental policy?" by Rubens Boerngen

"That typo, "macro" instead of "mico", really turned out to be a killer, eh Fred!" by Rick Torchia