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Comical Processing: You Write The Cartoon Caption Winner June 24, 2013

Congratulations to Chuck Lewis for submitting the winning caption to accompany this cartoon.


Roger Houston, we have flushed the radiator on the moon rover. Now where is that recycling center? by Chuck Lewis

Honorable Mentions

"I still can’t believe the government paid $10 billion dollars to have us test the effects of low gravity on Pop Rocks in Soda." by Michelle Mayer

"Houston, we have a problem!" by Scott Weston

"I told you, mentos reacts the same with mountain dew!" by Manolo Barin

Other Submissions

"I told you I knew where greenhouse gases came from." by Mr. Figgles

"Given that this breaks all the laws of physics, it could only have been left here by Dr. Seuss." by Frank Fox

"If that's a standard flask,how big are the chemists?" by KCBiker50

"I can't believe we forgot the rubber stopper." by Scott Griffin

"That must be the man in the moon’s urine sample we were sent to test." by Keith Wamsley

"Okay Earth Class: See how the reduced mass of the moon results in reduced gravitational pull, resulting in the increased flashing of the environmentally safe non-toxic green liquid when compared to the same process on the earth." by George M. Hudak

"Why it’s Moon Liquor." by George M. Hudak

"Let the commercialization of space begin!" by George M. Hudak

"Don’t touch it! It’s NASA’s property." by George M. Hudak

"Capcom says put the cork back in quick, before Australia melts!" by Scott Weston

"Umm Neil, I think what you said back there about one giant step for mankind...." by Jatin Shah

"Let's have some fun. Pour that left over green dye from the experiment onto that big boulder.i'll lay beside it like it's eating me. Then I'll say "Houston, I've got a big problem"!" by Chuck Lewis