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Comical Processing: You Write The Cartoon Caption Winner March 18, 2013

Congratulations to Bob Vaughn for penning this winning caption.


Well what do you know: A Blue Beakered Brown Thrasher, and I’m stuck up here without my birding note book! by Bob Vaughn

Honorable Mentions

"No. No. No. I asked, ‘What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?’" by HANNAH BAILEY

"Why are wanting to know if that's my green Buick in the parking lot!" by Chuck Lewis

"No, no, no. I said vacuum BREAKER, not BEAKER." by John Street

Other Submissions

"I said I needed two beakers. . ." by Kyra Campbell

"I REFUSE to pay for air freight!" by Jim McDow

"What do you mean, the nurse sent you because I'm late for my urine sample test" by Chuck Lewis

"Wow! UPS painted their pigeons brown as well? I wonder if it will pull out a scanner..." by Martin Tremblay

"No, I said bring me my safety harness. Don’t you understand English?" by Scott J. Weston

"Ho yeah! This will be the biggest beer bong you will have ever had. And then your college years are over dude!" by Martin Tremblay

"When did pigeons start using bottles for messages?" by Fred Durrenberger

"I told you Fred, No transformation potions, now turn yourself back into a human or your fired!" by Robert Andrew

"You’re NOT the blue bird of paradise!" by Robert Andrew

"Why is it that everyone thinks they can do your job better than you can?" by Michelle Mayer

"Thanks. Could you set it on top of the tank? I’d take it but OHSA rules say I have to keep both hands on the ladder." by Harold Paine

"My poor little Chickadee, did mean old Dr. Erlenmeyer super glue your feet to a flask again!." by Bob Vaughn

"We know that,you send messages in bottles but this the first to send a message in bunsenburner bottle." by Donald Drummond

"There has got to be an easier way to sample this tank!" by Larry Shade

"We have to stop meeting this way…" by Larry Shade

"Thanks bird, as soon as I turn invisible I’ll climb up to the top and scare the Hell out of Dr. “I am action man and don’t need a harness Tom!"" by Stuart Whellans

"That’s 9,470 so far, I think another 12,142 should do it bird no. 174" by Stuart Whellans

"You must be the new engineer!" by Ozlem Bull