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Comical Processing: You Write The Cartoon Caption Winner September 19, 2012

Congratulations to George M. Hudak. George submitted the winning caption to this cartoon. Think you can write a funny caption? Be sure to check out our latest cartoon.


Yes Johnny, we have all heard you say “the discovery and subsequent ability to produce ethanol is the foundation of all later discoveries in chemistry”. But that does NOT mean you can make hooch in school! by George M. Hudak

Honorable Mentions

"Albert, the Principal and School Board have warned you about trying to create life in the chemistry lab!" by Robert Andrew

"Tyler, please don’t bring anymore show-and-tell items from your dad’s chemical plaint." by Scott J. Weston

"Larry it’s show-and-tell not show-and-smell!" by Ferman Prewitt

Other Submissions

"Charley, leaving an open Mountain Dew in your locker over summer break doesn't count as a chemistry experiment." by Hunter May

"Little Johnnie when I said I liked toilette water, that's not the kind I was talking about!" by Jeanne Clark

"Bobby, I hope this Show and Tell doesn’t blow up and cover all of us in slime like your last one." by Harold Paine

"Johnny, did your father help you with your homework again?" by Robert Andrew

"Seriously Johnny, an apple will do just fine." by Kirby Hostetler

"I don’t think the No Child Left Behind Program accounted for situations like this." by Kevin Summ

"Must, yeast, fermentation lock, and time…. Johnny you made wine for your chemistry project?" by George M. Hudak

"Alex, what happened to the classrooms’ fish?" by George M. Hudak

"Alex, a “love potion”, you made me a love potion?" by George M. Hudak

"Miss Honey, I shrunk the family." by Nancy Klassen

"Sam you brought flowers to me and they are in chemicals Oh stinky" by Donald Drummond

"Don't tell me. Your father works at BP!" by Dennis Adams