The Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) is firing up a flurry of activities, all with two goals. The first is to raise awareness of the renewable carbon concept and to anchor it in the political discourse. The second is to create new value and supply chains based on renewable carbon, i.e. bio-based, CO2-based and recycled carbon sources that have one thing in common: abandonment of fossil carbon.
The Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) was founded in September 2020 by eleven companies from six countries under the leadership of nova-Institute (Germany). The aim of the initiative is to support and speed up the transition from fossil carbon to renewable carbon for all organic chemicals and materials.
In the comic “Nora and her FlyPhone on Renewable Carbon,” the concept is vividly illustrated in just a few pictures. The format works perfectly for traditional and social media and resonates with business and public networks. For all those who want to know more, there is now a glossary of important terms of the renewable carbon concept on the initiative's website.
A deep dive into the business side offer videos published on YouTube. Here, chemical recycling SME BioBTX (The Netherlands) specialty chemicals leader Stahl (The Netherlands) and private research institute nova-Institute (Germany) give insight into the strategies of the RCI members. The interviews are the first in a series that will allow each member to present their unique take on the matter.
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