2018 Imagine Chemistry Challenge Calls On Start-Ups

Jan. 15, 2018
AkzoNobel calls on start-ups and scale-ups to solve real world industry challenges and create sustainable business opportunities in chemistry.

AkzoNobel Specialty Chemicals announces the challenges for its latest Imagine Chemistry program. First launched in 2017, Imagine Chemistry is an opportunity for start-up and scale-up firms and researchers to solve real industry challenges and create sustainable business opportunities in chemistry. The winners are awarded joint development agreements with AkzoNobel to help bring their ideas to market.

The 2018 edition calls for solutions within the following six areas:

•          Sustainable small particle technologies

•          Wastewater-free chemical sites

•          Intelligent chemical plants

•          Revolutionizing chlorate production

•          Sustainable powder technologies

•          Zero footprint surfactant platforms

“This program has shown that start-ups and corporates can work together efficiently to break barriers in innovation, benefitting both sides,” says Peter Nieuwenhuizen, chief technology officer at AkzoNobel Specialty Chemicals. “We had a tremendous response to Imagine Chemistry in 2017 and formed development partnerships with three winners based on ideas for more sustainable chemistry. We’re now looking forward to uncovering new business opportunities through the 2018 challenge.”

All Imagine Chemistry participants obtain tailored feedback from a range of company experts throughout the challenge to improve their solutions. The challenge is organized along with KPMG’s innovation team and is supported by ICOS capital fund and Lux Research. In addition, Chalmers University of Technology from Sweden joins as a partner and will host the finals of the 2018 edition.

Participants can submit their ideas and solutions via a dedicated online community, where they receive feedback and suggestions from experts throughout the submission phase. In June 2018, 20 finalists will be invited to an intensive three-day event at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, where they will work with experts in finance and research to further develop their ideas.

For insight on the three top 2017 winners, see Imagine Chemistry Challenge Names Winners.

For more information and to participate in the challenge, visit www.imaginechemistry.com

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