SOCMA Symposium Features Top Safety Experts

Sept. 11, 2015
Dr. Thomas M. Connelly, chief executive officer of the American Chemical Society, and Dr. M. Sam Mannan, director of the Mary K. O'Connor Process Safety Center at Texas A&M University, are the featured speakers at SOCMA’s National Chemical Safety Symposium.

The Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates (SOCMA) announces that Dr. Thomas M. Connelly, chief executive officer of the American Chemical Society (ACS), and Dr. M. Sam Mannan, director of the Mary K. O'Connor Process Safety Center at Texas A&M University, are the featured speakers at the National Chemical Safety Symposium - hosted by ChemStewards, October 20-21, 2015, in Houston, TX.

The symposium brings together national and local authorities on process safety and occupational excellence to present the latest trends and methodologies used in the industry today to create a safe and secure manufacturing environment.

Before taking the lead at ACS, Connelly retired from DuPont, where he was executive vice president and chief innovation officer. Mannan, who is also chemical engineering department regents professor and holder of the T. Michael O'Connor I chair at Texas A&M, returns to the symposium for the third year to offer his insight on promoting safety as second nature for all plant personnel.

The symposium also includes expert speakers from industry, government and academia who will give presentations, serve on industry panels and participate in a Q&A session. SOCMA also celebrates ChemStewards' 10-year anniversary during a kickoff reception.

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