Energy And Sustainability Service Features Benchmarking Tools

March 10, 2011
SKF offers service for companies seeking improved energy efficiency.

SKF has updated its energy and sustainability service that suits energy-intensive industries, such as petrochemical, mining, metals and paper. The new SKF Client Needs Analysis - Energy & Sustainability (CNA-ES) is a process that identifies areas to save energy and improve environmental performance, according to SKF.  

The SKF CNA-ES combines a web-based tool with a consultative process to define the “as is” situation at the customer’s plant as well as pointing in the direction for “next steps.” A team from SKF joins a range of representatives from the customer site, including operations, maintenance, engineering and environmental staff, to discuss key areas within the company’s operations. Further analysis of the data results in an overview of the company from a point of view that in most cases companies have never put together before, SKF notes.

The results from the SKF CNA-ES process provide a quantitative benchmark of ‘opportunity for improvement’ that a facility can use to gauge their own progress over time. Benchmarking tools in the CNA-ES allow companies to compare against other (unnamed) companies in their segment, including best-in-class, that SKF has worked with. Benchmarking is especially valuable to companies with multiple facilities because they can also compare progress within their own organizations.

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