SIS Management Module Maintains, Manages Reliability And Compliance
Oct. 13, 2009
Related To: Meridium
Meridium recently announced a new product solution, SIS Management, at the ISA Expo ’09 conference in Houston.
Successful process automation companies realize that assessing, designing, managing and maintaining safety instrumented systems (SIS) are critical to reliably and safely manufacturing products that otherwise would be hazardous to produce. Meridium’s new SIS Management module addresses the need to maintain and manage the reliability, performance and compliance of these critical systems. The functions integrated into Meridium SIS Management are Safety Integrity Level (SIL) assessments, SIL validations, proof testing and reliability analyses. With the integration of these functions, a closed loop process is achieved.
"Meridium is putting the ‘life’ into SIS Life Cycle Management,” according to Steve Soos, Meridium Product Manager for SIS Management. “We are providing an SIS Management tool for the owner operator with full integration to our Hazards Analysis functionality and interfaces to the user’s CMMS/EAM systems, as well as connectivity with Emerson Process Management’s