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Camfil APC Lab Enables New Dust Collection Testing Standard

Jan. 13, 2017
Camfil APC expands laboratory for new ANSI/ASHRAE dust collection standard testing.

Camfil APC expands testing laboratory.

Camfil Air Pollution Control (APC) reportedly doubles the size of its testing laboratory to include a climate-controlled facility with a new full-size dust collection test rig. The new equipment is dedicated to testing in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 199-2016, Method of Testing the Performance of Industrial Pulse Cleaned Dust Collectors.

Unlike other air filter standards that focus on HVAC systems, the Standard 199-2016 test process analyzes how well filters actually clean and how dust collectors perform as a whole, according to the company. It is reportedly the first standard to provide a methodology for comparing performance results based on true operating conditions. Using a cartridge dust collector with four high efficiency filters, the unit feeds dust into the collector under specified conditions, measuring pressure drop and downstream emissions. Camfil will use the test rig for both internal product quality testing and to help customers simulate real-world conditions to evaluate the compliance and effectiveness of various filters.

“We’ve always known that filters and dust collectors varied widely in performance, but now there’s a methodology to quantify that difference with actual performance data,” says Graeme Bell, vice president of Camfil APC Americas. “Camfil APC was proud to serve on the Standard 199 project committee since its inception to help develop the standard, and now we have a testing lab that makes it easy for dust collection equipment operators to perform the testing.”

Camfil’s lab expansion also provides new testing capabilities, according to the company. New equipment is available for research and development, support and testing for regulatory compliance. A new, highly sensitive scanning electron microscope is equipped with the high level of magnification and resolution required to analyze high efficiency filtration media with nano fiber and PTFE membrane coatings. The microscope will be used both for quality control of existing filter media and analysis of new media with potential performance improvements. The lab also houses equipment used for bench testing of customer dust samples including a video microscope, particle size analyzer, moisture analysis and abrasion testing devices.

For more information, visit: www.camfilapc.com

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