U.S. Joins International Collaboration To Decarbonize Energy-Intensive Industries

Nov. 27, 2022
This international partnership will bring together thought leaders to develop and accelerate the deployment of cost-competitive technologies.

U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm announces that the United States will join Mission Innovation’s Net-Zero Industries Mission. The international partnership brings together thought leaders to develop and accelerate the deployment of cost-competitive technologies to decarbonize energy-intensive industrial sectors. In the U.S., the industrial sector reportedly represents 30% of the nation’s primary energy-related CO2 emissions.

DOE’s strategy for achieving a net-zero industrial sector reportedly is informed by the “Industrial Decarbonization Roadmap.” The roadmap identifies five energy-and-emissions-intensive sectors where decarbonization efforts could have the largest impact, including petroleum refining; chemicals; iron and steel; cement; and food and beverage. The report also outlines key technological pillars to apply across the industrial sector and within the five key sectors identified: energy efficiency; industrial electrification; low-carbon fuels, feedstocks and energy sources (LCFFES); and carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS).

DOE recently launched the Industrial Heat Shot, a new effort aimed at dramatically reducing the cost, energy use and carbon emissions associated with the heat used to make everything from food to cement and steel. The initiative seeks to develop cost-competitive solutions for industrial heat with at least 85% lower greenhouse gas emissions by 2035.

DOE is also leading U.S. involvement in the Industrial Deep Decarbonization Initiative. Coordinated by UNIDO, this Clean Energy Ministerial global coalition is designed to stimulate demand for low-carbon industrial technologies. DOE recently released a $104 million funding opportunity to advance industrial decarbonization technologies and is creating a new $70 million Clean Energy Innovation Institute dedicated to reducing industrial emissions through electrification. This spring, DOE also established the Industrial Technology Innovation Advisory Committee, which will convene stakeholders to advance industrial decarbonization technologies designed to set the United States on a path to net-zero emissions by 2050.

The U.S. partnership with the Net-Zero Industries Mission is led by the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office (IEDO).

Learn more here.

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