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Tap Tons Of Targeted Content

March 19, 2015
Take advantage of a wide variety of valuable, evergreen information

What has over 8,000 pieces of content ranging from award-winning articles to white papers, from news items to information on products — all aimed at engineers designing and operating plants in the chemical industry? Answer: Chemicalprocessing.com.

Most of the nearly 2,700 columns and feature articles contain information just as valid now as when they first appeared. After all, many details and insights about chemical technology and unit operations are evergreen. So whether you are looking at an article from 2002 that highlights how grinders helped Bayer Corp. protect its wastewater treatment system or an article from 2012 that helps you pick the proper hose by carefully matching your application's requirements to the four key hose components, you will walk away with knowledge on how to make your plant as efficient, safe, environmentally friendly and economically competitive as possible.

Likewise, details in the hundreds of white papers cataloged in our library and the numerous videos or podcasts we house on the site can prove illuminating. For instance, a 2004 white paper from Delta Controls that outlines a range of selection and installation criteria for using admittance probes to monitor the level of powders, liquids and other materials is still valuable. And even though a video might have been taped at a show a few years ago, the content is still useful. For example, Brian Kettner of Badger Meter explained his company’s new positioner line at the 2013 Chem Show. If you’re looking for technology that will help you pinpoint an emissions failure, this short video will be of use to you.

We also have nearly 2,200 news items. Granted, some might be out of date. However, what we’ve covered in the past may provide valuable background to put current developments into perspective or to help round out your knowledge of a certain topic. For instance, if you’re tasked with researching waste as a feedstock, this news item from late last year regarding AkzoNobel’s partnership on a technology that converts waste into synthesis gas might be useful.

As for products, we have nearly 3,000 entries in several categories including asset management, engineering design, environmental protection, fluid handling, heat transfer, instrumentation, powders and solids, process control, reaction and synthesis, separations technology, security and utilities and energy. When we post these articles, they are new to the industry. So why keep them around after the newness wears off? Because they are still worthy of consideration. If you are looking for a sensor that wirelessly monitors conveyors, the offering from Key Technology from 2009 might still be a good choice. We include contact information so you can gather more up-to-date information if needed.

Every week we are adding more unique editorial content to each bucket of our site. On average we post 15 to 20 new items that provide authoritative, practical and impartial technical information as well as details on best practices, key trends, developments and successful applications.

To access all of the content in a particular bucket (articles, news, multimedia, products or white papers), go to the homepage and scroll down. The All Content area is located on the left side of the page just above the Latest Products section. Or you can follow these direct links:
• Articles — chemicalprocessing.com/articles
• Multimedia — chemicalprocessing.com/multimedia
• News — chemicalprocessing.com/industrynews
• Products — chemicalprocessing.com/products
• White Papers — chemicalprocessing.com/whitepapers

I trust you see the theme of how we build our URLs. Like everything on the site, we aim to make things easy to access. If you have any questions or suggestions, email me anytime at [email protected].

Traci Purdum is Chemical Processing's Senior Digital Editor. You can email her at [email protected].

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