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Comical Processing: You Write The Cartoon Caption Winner July 16, 2011

July 16, 2011
Congratulations to Andy Lawton of Neenah, Wis., for submitting the winning caption. See if you've got what it takes to be the next winner -- a new cartoon has been posted.
"Comical Processing" features drawings by award-winning cartoonist Jerry King. It’s our way of letting you take a break from all the serious stuff you deal with at work —  by coming up with appropriate light-hearted captions.

You do know that's toothpaste.

Honorable Mentions

"Well...ok, at least you're using a cone, you should have seen what I caught Phil doing!" Submitted  by Mike Beyers

"When I said we need to improve the turn down ratio -- I didn't mean to imply it should be a 'single serving.'" Submitted  by George M. Hudak

"The top dispenser works fine. But don't you boys in R & D think firing sprinkles from the bottom dispenser like cannon shot is extreme!" Submitted  by Chuck Lewis

Click here to see the current Comical Processing cartoon.


"Don't worry, it's GMP"Submitted  by Darin Sanchez

"I told you you were cut-off after the third cone... you will be bouncing off the walls soon with the new high intensity sweetner ingredient." Submitted  by Gabrielle Maksimovich; Toronto, ON

"Um, you realize that isn't ice cream coming out of there, don't you?"Submitted  by Joanne Polyak

"Seriously. . . ?"Submitted  by Kirby Hostetler; Barberton, OH

"Bill -- I told you they installed a frozen yogurt system!"Submitted  by Renato Murrer

"I thought SS-Brain Freeze was a code name for our secret military project! $500 million and all we have is a Super Strawberry  Brain Freeze dispenser, where am I going to hide that development cost?" Submitted  by George M. Hudak

"Bob, that's the new API with the 'off-white' specification."Submitted  by Renato Murrer

"This is great, innovation at its finest, replacing the low cost high capacity ice cream process with a low volume, high cost complex piece of equipment."Submitted  by Victor E. Ferrell

"We've come up with a waste-free way to purge the sample leg before taking a new sample... and the sampling frequency has improved as well!"Submitted  by  L. Martin Graves, Jr.

"You realize that this is supposed to be installed in the Ice Cream Truck."Submitted  by Terry Mackin

"This is a new Ice cream machine designed with all safety factors and meeting all engineering standards."Submitted  by Milind Ranade

"How is an Ice Cream Machine going to increase productivity?"Submitted  by Mervin Archer

". . . and this makes just ONE cone per minute??!!??"Submitted  by Sriram Ayyar

"How do you stop it?"Submitted  by Andy Lawton; Neenah, WI

"No thanks, ice cream from this dispenser is just.....creepy!"Submitted  by Chuck Lewis

"OK, I get the point. It does look like strawberry ice cream. But don't even think about eating it!"Submitted  by Paul Menary; Brantford, Ontario

"Well this confirms it. We installed the sampling port too close to the employee break room."Submitted  by Paul Menary; Brantford, Ontario

"Freud would have something to say about this."Submitted  by Cameron Watt

"it's supposed to be making FUNNEL CAKES!"Submitted  by Jim McDow

"But how do you stop it?"Submitted  by Cameron Watt

"No swirl?"Submitted  by Cameron Watt

"It's a bit excessive, but it makes a mean strawberry ripple cone."Submitted  by Kristin Michael; Berea, Ohio

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