Since Chemical Processing started its Web site, content has been free to visitors. And it will remain free — but soon you’ll have to log in for access.
Like the magazine, provides quality content that focuses on serving professionals in the chemical industry. The site provides authoritative, practical and impartial technical information as well as details on best practices, key trends, developments and successful applications. This unique editorial mix helps readers make plants as efficient, safe, environmentally friendly and economically competitive as possible.
In many ways, publishing is similar to manufacturing. As publishers, we strive for ways to be efficient, relevant and economically competitive. This means that we’re always monitoring our business model and modifying it to keep us ahead of the curve.
It's no surprise that advertising enables us to provide award-winning content to our readers free of charge. And it's also no surprise that the publishing industry has taken many hits over the last several years due to the economy and technology.
Gone are the days of newspaper boys standing on street corners barking "Extra, Extra… Read all about it." Indeed, for the time it takes you to say that sentence out loud, the news has changed and somewhere on the Internet is the updated story.
To remain competitive today we have to continue providing compelling content. We also have to provide riveting reasons for advertisers to continue support us.
One of the best ways is to prove we have an engaged audience that comprises the cream of the crop in the chemical processing industry. A few months ago I dedicated my column to our Insider membership drive (Membership Has Its Privileges). As a result of that drive, many of you have already registered for our site.
In the near future we are going to push the membership drive even further by locking down all of our content. It will still be free of charge — but to read the articles in their entirety, you will have to log in to the site via a username and password.
Become a member now so you’ll be all set when content gets locked down. If you are logged in to the site, you will have free range over everything.
If you wait to become a member after the lockdown and try to access content, you’ll need to fill out a very brief registration form. Then it’ll be business as usual.
Note that we’re not gathering information to inundate you with unwanted marketing materials. We simply want to get a better idea of who is coming to the site. Whether you are a student or a seasoned chemical processing professional, we don't care. What we do care about is providing you with the best, most-current information.
I hope you take a few minutes to become a Insider.
Traci Purdum isChemical Processing'sSenior Digital Editor. You can e-mail her at[email protected].