I'm a fan of information. Part of the reason I became a journalist is because I like to follow a trail of information to arrive at sound conclusions to many of life's questions. There are many ways to collect information. In-person interviews, books and periodicals and the Web. In my opinion, Internet search tools are the best things since fire. Well, maybe not fire. But the search function ranks pretty high on my list of necessities. If I want to settle a dispute over the color puce, I can go to the Internet and search "puce." Rather than debating for hours with my sister-in-law whether puce is a greenish color or a reddish-brown to purplish-brown color, I can instantly find the answer. For the record, it's a reddish-brown to purplish-brown color and my sister-in-law was correct. While I realize I could have gone to the dictionary for the same results, the dictionary can't provide me with George Costanza's ATM code from the TV show "Seinfeld." If you're wondering, it's Bosco. The one downside to a general search is the need to wade through a lot of dubious pages to find credible sources. That's where sites like ChemicalProcessing.com come in handy when you want to learn about orifice plate sizing. A search of our site brings up 16 articles, products and whitepapers all pertaining to orifice plate sizing. But what if you want to learn more? We've thought of that. We recently added an expanded search function to
ChemicalProcessing.com's site. Our search function was always good – but now visitors can search our site as well as the sites of our sister publications
Food Processing, Plant Services, Control Design, Control Global and
Pharma Manufacturing.If you choose to search our sister sites, you can find 10 more articles on orifice plate sizing at
ControlGlobal.com, while
PlantServices.com offers five articles on the topic. To use this handy tool (
click here for a tutorial), all you need to do is enter a term in the search bar on any page on our site. (It's located in the top right corner). After you click enter, the results will be displayed. You can sort by relevance or date, and by article, products, whitepapers or news. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you can choose to "Search our sister sites for
orifice plate sizing." Simply pick which sites you want results from and click "search selected sites."
Voila – more results and more information to ensure you arrive at sound conclusions to many of life's questions. We hope this expanded feature serves you well.