Chemical Recyclers Make Case For Their Role In Circular Economy

Dec. 29, 2021
Chemical recycling companies tout their circular economy role at the Southeast Recycling Development Council annual meeting.

While controversy surrounds the practice of chemical recycling, businesses that perform this type of recycling, sometimes also called advanced recycling, make the case for their role in the circular economy, according to an article from Waste Dive. During the Southeast Recycling Development Council (SDRC) annual meeting on December 1, representatives from Eastman and PureCycle reportedly touted the role of chemical recycling in the efforts to reduce virgin plastic use and keep waste out of landfills and waterways.   

Both companies reportedly plan to scale up their operations due to what they say is increased demand for outlets for hard-to-recycle plastics. Some environmentalists believe chemical recycling processes are harmful to the environment or allow companies to develop fuels from plastic rather than concentrating on how to replace virgin resin with recycled resin.

Read the entire article here.

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