Filtration Startup Wins MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition
June 7, 2021
Startup claims its filtration membranes can make gas and vapor separation much less energy intensive.
Osmoses, a startup with plans to dramatically increase the efficiency of chemical separations, is the winner of the 2021 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) $100K Entrepreneurship Competition, according to an article from MIT News. Chemical separation is reportedly responsible for up to 15% of the U.S.’s total energy usage.
Osmoses created a molecular filtration offering containing tiny channels that allow the separation of molecules that differ in size by a mere fraction of an angstrom — less than the size of an atom, according to the article. The company says its membranes come in a module that fits in existing separation systems and demonstrates a significant improvement over existing membrane filtration technologies. Companies in the natural and renewable gas industry can reportedly reduce product loss by 85% percent by switching to Osmoses’ system, according to the company, a move that could generate enough added fuel to power 7 million additional homes in the U.S. for a year.
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