RSC Makes Inclusion And Diversity Award Annual

Oct. 4, 2021
Royal Society of Chemistry gives annual recognition to inclusion efforts.

The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) says it is elevating its Inclusion & Diversity Prize to an annual format. The prize had previously been open every two years. The change is designed to offer an incentive to those working in chemical sciences to create a more inclusive community.

"Our recognition portfolio is one of the oldest in science and carries significant international prestige. When we conducted our review, we promised that our prizes should not only celebrate great science, but also recognize the leaders who go above and beyond to break down barriers in the chemical sciences and open up new and extraordinary opportunities,” says Dr Helen Pain, CEO of the RSC. 

The 2021 Inclusion and Diversity Prize was won by BlackinChem, a movement started in the U.S. that reached around the world to celebrate Black excellence in chemistry and build a global community of Black chemists and their supporters. In previous years, the prize has been awarded in recognition of individuals’ work in the areas of teaching as well as disabilities, according to RSC.

Dr Ale Palermo, senior manager, external relations at the RSC, says, "Equality, diversity and inclusion are key to ethical and successful science. By harnessing talent inclusively, science will go further faster. Diverse skills and perspectives are important, as scientists contribute to tackling global challenges and making life better for current and future generations.”

The RSC has launched a number of reports and initiatives to make the chemical sciences and wider sciences a fairer and more equitable space, according to the organization. These include 2018’s Breaking the Barriers report on women’s retention and progression in the chemical sciences, the Exploring the Workspace for LGBT+ Physical Scientists report and A Framework For Action in Scientific Publishing, designed to establish founding principles that eliminate bias.

Later this year, the RSC says it will launch a report focusing on race and ethnicity inequities in the chemical sciences.

The Royal Society of Chemistry’s 2022 Inclusion & Diversity Prize opens for nominations on November 3, 2021. 

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