Vineyards File Suit Against Bayer, BASF Over Weed Killer

June 16, 2021
Dozens of Texas vineyards claim the weed killer dicamba is responsible for damaging thousands of acres of wine grapes.

The controversial weed killer dicamba continues to come under fire. According to an article from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, dozens of Texas Vineyards have filed suit against Bayer and BASF claiming the herbicide is responsible for damaging thousands of acres of wine grapes. Dicamba is reportedly used heavily in the state’s vast cotton fields.

Bayer and BASF are standing behind the product, according to the article, stating that extreme winter weather may be among the possible causes of damage to the wine crops. Bayer reportedly agreed last summer to pay over $400 million to settle suits related to soybean damage. Crop damage claims also led to a $265 jury ruling last year against Bayer and BASF in favor of a Missouri peach farmer.  

Read the entire article here.

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