Accenture Bets On Good Chemistry To Drive Quantum Computing

April 11, 2022
Accenture makes a strategic investment in Good Chemistry Company, a company that uses quantum chemistry, machine learning and quantum computing to accelerate new materials design.

Accenture makes a strategic investment, through Accenture Ventures, in Good Chemistry Company, a company that uses quantum chemistry, machine learning and quantum computing to accelerate new materials design. The Good Chemistry Company platform, QEMIST Cloud, combines cloud, AI and quantum computing in an integrated platform designed for developers. The platform’s engine reportedly enables faster, more accurate and scalable ways to perform computational chemistry simulations.

“We’re doubling down on the growth potential of quantum computing and uncovering new ways to navigate its potential while empowering our clients to confidently absorb and access this breakthrough technology,” says Tom Lounibos, managing director, Accenture Ventures. “Simulating chemistry in this new way leverages easily and readily accessible computers on the cloud to perform simulations that were previously intractable even on expensive, high-performance computing environments. This brings a competitive advantage to clients and can change pharmaceutical drug discovery and more.” 

According to the Accenture Technology Vision 2022, 69% of global executives say quantum computing will have a breakthrough or transformational positive impact on their organizations in the future. Quantum is the pinnacle of next generation problem solving and Accenture and Biogen collaborated with 1QBit already to accelerate drug discovery, developing a proof of concept that validated a quantum-computing molecule comparison approach and building an enterprise-ready, quantum-enabled application with transparent processes that generates molecular comparison results with deeper insights about shared traits, according to the company.

Arman Zaribafiyan, CEO of Good Chemistry Company says, “With our platform, we are re-imagining the way computational chemistry simulations are done. Simulating chemistry on computers will help drive faster, more accurate and more accessible materials innovation in the decades to come. With Accenture’s support and collaboration, we will be able to explore the vastness of chemical space and enable rational materials design at scale.”

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