Technip Energies Acquires Technology For Bio-Based Succinic Acid

Sept. 13, 2022
The purchase includes a wide range of patent families and proprietary yeast strains, which have been demonstrated in production facilities of licensees at large scale.

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Technip Energies purchases Biosuccinium technology from DSM, adding the technology offering to its growing sustainable chemicals portfolio, according to the company. The technology reportedly synergizes with recently developed proprietary bio-polymer technologies and provides a commercially referenced production of bio-based succinic acid (bio-SAc) that serves as feedstock for the production of polybutylene succinate (PBS). PBS itself is fully biodegradable and, if based on bio-SAc, is a suitable bio-based sustainable packaging material for food contact applications.

The purchase includes a wide range of patent families and proprietary yeast strains, which reportedly have been demonstrated in production facilities of licensees at large scale. Biosuccinium technology will be the only technology for production of bio-based succinic acid to be licensed on the market, according to the company.

Bhaskar Patel, svp sustainable fuels, chemicals and circularity for Technip Energies, says in a press release from the company, “This addition to our growing sustainable chemicals portfolio will allow Technip Energies to license a solution for the production of a bio-sourced and biodegradable polymer, which has a 50% lower carbon footprint compared to fossil-based routes. Superior product properties, combined with best-in-class sustainability performance, are key attributes in today’s consumer market. We shall leverage the whole PBS value chain, where we already license the technology for the polymerization of the bio-sourced monomers into PBS.”

 Read the entire press release at

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