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Water Council Teams Up With SCS On Corporate Water Stewardship

Jan. 7, 2022
The partnership will include development of programs to help companies move beyond traditional water management to credible and verified water stewardship that addresses enterprise-wide challenges and opportunities.

As businesses across the world confront increasing water challenges and growing calls for tangible accomplishments on sustainability, The Water Council is partnering with SCS Global Services to meet this challenge by improving corporate water stewardship outcomes and reporting. The new partnership will include development of programs to help companies move beyond traditional water management to credible and verified water stewardship that addresses enterprise-wide challenges and opportunities.

Multiple factors are influencing companies to address water-related challenges in their value chains. These include supply disruptions, climate impacts and ever-increasing calls from stakeholders to take credible, concrete action to achieve measurable water stewardship outcomes. High on the list is the expanding call for companies to demonstrate tangible environmental, social and governance (ESG) results, including an expectation to prioritize water-related actions and commitments with the same vigor with which companies have been addressing greenhouse gas reduction and recycling initiatives.

The Water Council is a nonprofit organization dedicated to solving critical water challenges through freshwater innovation. It served as the regional partner for the Alliance for Water Stewardship in North America from 2016 to 2021, helping build the business case for water stewardship and creating the world’s first credentialing program for water professionals. SCS Global Services provides third-party verification of environmental, social and sustainability performance, helping organizations demonstrate and communicate their corporate responsibility and sustainability successes.

For more information, visit: www.thewatercouncil.com

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