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AkzoNobel Names Poux-Guillaume To CEO

June 29, 2022
AkzoNobel announces Gregoire Poux-Guillaume as new chief executive officer as of November 1, 2022.

Gregoire Poux-Guillaume

AkzoNobel announces that Gregoire Poux-Guillaume will become the company’s new chief executive officer (CEO) as of November 1, 2022. He will succeed Thierry Vanlancker, who has been CEO and member of the board of management since 2017, and whose term of office is coming to an end.

Poux-Guillaume, a French national, is an international business leader with 25 years of experience, according to the company. Previous roles include CEO of Sulzer, CEO of GE Grid Solutions (previously Alstom Grid) and senior managing director of CVC Capital Partners.

The appointment of Poux-Guillaume to AkzoNobel’s board of management is subject to shareholder approval and will be on the agenda of an Extraordinary General Meeting to be scheduled in September, according to the company.

For more information, visit: www.akzonobel.com

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