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Evonik Names Fischer Chief Innovation Officer

June 30, 2020
Fischer takes over from Ulrich Küsthardt, who has held this position since 2015.

Andreas Fischer

Andreas Fischer is named Evonik's new chief innovation officer, effective July 1. He takes over from Ulrich Küsthardt, who has held the position since 2015 and is now taking early retirement, according to the company.

Fischer holds a degree in industrial engineering and began his career with a producer of industrial cleaning agents and hygiene products. From 1997, he held a number of positions at Evonik's predecessor companies, initially in sales and subsequently as head of various business entities. From 2012, he was head of the silica business line. Since 2019, he has been a member of the board of management of Evonik Resource Efficiency GmbH. 

By 2025, Evonik reportedly plans to generate additional sales of over €1 billion with offerings in the areas of sustainable nutrition, healthcare, advanced food ingredients, membranes, cosmetics and additive manufacturing. Fischer says he wants to strengthen Creavis as Evonik's strategic innovation unit.

“Creavis should become Evonik’s business incubator,” says Fischer. “Working in close cooperation with our operating units, through Creavis, we want to gain access to new markets.”

For more information, visit: www.evonik.com

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