Teacher Launches Kickstarter For Science Comic Book
Sept. 23, 2019
A Kentucky teacher develops a novel approach to teaching science.
Would you rather learn about science through a dusty old textbook or an action-packed comic book? One Richmond, Kentucky, educator is betting on the latter and is launching a Kickstarter campaign to fund his novel teaching approach, according to an article from the Richmond Register.
Christopher Preece, an educator at Berea Community Schools, has created, “Fire - Salt - Slime!” an 80-page graphic anthology containing three science stories. Two years ago, Preece authored his first graphic novel, “CheMystery.” According to the article, the initial Kickstarter goal is $6,000 and will allow Preece to print 1,000 copies of the comic book. Initially, 10 Title 1 or special needs schools will receive a free classroom set of the comic book, in collaboration with S.T.E.M. Curiosity, an education nonprofit.
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