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Clariant Opens PP Catalyst Production Facility

Oct. 19, 2016
Clariant inaugurates new polypropylene catalyst plant in Louisville, Kentucky.

New Clariant polypropylene catalyst production facility in Louisville, KY, developed and implemented in cooperation with CB&I.

Clariant opens its new polypropylene (PP) catalyst production facility in Louisville, Kentucky. The Louisville plant, developed and implemented in cooperation with CB&I, becomes Clariant’s largest U.S. production hub for catalysts.

Clariant has significantly expanded its presence in the North American region over recent years, with sales increasing from $939 million in 2011 to more than $1 billion in 2015, according to the company. Its 1,800 regional employees work across 41 locations. The PP catalyst facility combines sales, technical service, R&D, technical center, pilot plants and production.

The new PP catalyst facility is part of Clariant’s long-term strategic partnership with CB&I’s Novolen technology business. The catalysts produced here will help the global polypropylene industry to efficiently produce a complete portfolio of polypropylene resins, according to Clariant.

For more information, visit: www.clariant.com

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