Jetstream, the first NSF-supported cloud resource for science and engineering research is set to launch on September 1, according to Indiana University. Indiana University’s Pervasive Technology Institute is the lead institution on the five-year, $11 million NSF grant to create, implement and operate Jetstream.
Designed to be accessible and approachable to a wide range of researchers, Jetstream is reportedly the first of its kind supported by NSF: a cloud-based, on-demand system for 24/7 access to computing and data analysis tools that are integrated into the national research ecosystem. Jetstream will support research in many fields—particularly life sciences, genomics, physics, chemistry and bioinformatics.
Jetstream will also allow creators of new research software to make those tools available to potential users, speeding their adoption, according to the university. During the early operations phase, Jetstream was used by more than 1,000 people to perform scientific research in genomics and field biology, psychology and computer and computational science. MATLAB, a numerical computing tool, is licensed for use on Jetstream along with 50 MATLAB toolboxes. Further outreach will take place via the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE).
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