ASQ Launches Six Sigma Course for Manufacturers

Jan. 27, 2009
Six Sigma course combines classroom, Web-based, and real-time Instruction.

Delivering breakthrough business improvements while holding the line on costs—as well as time commitment—are primary objectives in today’s competitive environment. To address these business goals,  American Society for Quality (ASQ) is introducing a new blended course for manufacturers: Lean Six Sigma Black Belt.

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt training teaches students management and analytical skills needed to implement the principles, practices and technologies of Lean Six Sigma. Students will learn how to deliver business improvements and cost reductions on a project-by-project basis. The courses focus on the process improvement approach known as define, measure, analyze, improve and control (DMAIC) to improve processes.  A good portion of the participant’s time is spent working through interactive practice exercises and online assessments with one-on-one coaching available. The blended Web and classroom course schedule runs March 5, 2009, through July 20, 2009. The classroom segment is May 27-29, 2009, in Milwaukee.

The course is instructed by Joseph Basala, Six Sigma Master Black Belt. Basala was the technical leader for Case-New Holland’s continuous improvement process—Six Sigma. He provides technical guidance worldwide to Champions and C.I. coaches (Black Belts) on topics such as project selection, process methodology and proper use of the various statistical and quality tools. He is a Certified Six Sigma Black Belt through the ASQ/SSA Alliance, and is an ASQ-trained Six Sigma Master Black Belt. Other ASQ certifications held are Certified Quality Manager, Certified Reliability Engineer, Certified Quality Engineer and Certified Quality Auditor.

For more information or to register for a course, please visit

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