The American Chemistry Council (ACC) presented ExxonMobil Product Solutions Co. with the Responsible Care Company of the Year award, recognizing its continued and exemplary commitment to advancing environmental, health and safety (EH&S) performance within its organization and on behalf of the global chemical industry. The annual award was presented on June 6 at ACC's Annual Meeting in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where more than 600 industry leaders gathered to discuss the latest business, regulatory and legislative trends.
"I am honored to present ExxonMobil with the 2023 Responsible Care Company of the Year award," said ACC President & CEO, Chris Jahn, in a press release. "From enhancing local community engagement to driving global safety and sustainability initiatives, ExxonMobil exemplifies the Responsible Care ethos of continual improvement. I congratulate them on this recognition and their dedication to making their facilities and our industry safer, healthier, and more sustainable."
ExxonMobil was chosen by a committee of representatives from academia, industry and other associations. ExxonMobil was one of the original signatories when Responsible Care was launched in the United States 35 years ago and has continued to implement the program through its Operations Integrity Management System (OIMS) which assesses risks and guides daily operation decisions.
ExxonMobil illustrates safety excellence through a dedication to continual self-evaluation and improvement. In 2022, the company implemented new processes for internal assessments to drive impact and effectiveness, creating enhanced collaboration and a solutions-driven approach. Through engagement in Community Advisory Panels in facility communities, ExxonMobil identifies community needs and implements meaningful programs for community support. This includes engaging with local schools to drive a diverse future workforce, providing transparent information about air quality through community air monitors and easy-to-understand data-sharing and investment in environmental stewardship programs, including one of the nation's most comprehensive wildlife rehabilitation facilities in Corpus Christi, Texas.
Globally, ExxonMobil leads the International Council of Chemical Association's Responsible Care Leadership Group (RCLG), strengthening safe chemicals management through Responsible Care in economies across the world.
"Being recognized as Responsible Care Company of the Year speaks to the foundation of everything we do at ExxonMobil," said Karen McKee, ExxonMobil Product Solutions Co. president. "Our team around the world is committed to making significant progress in personnel and process safety, security, health and environmental performance – both at our sites and in the communities where we operate."