LG Chem, GS Caltex Accelerate Commercialization of Eco-friendly Biomaterial

Oct. 18, 2023
LG Chem and GS Caltex recently completed construction of a pilot plant that will produce 3HP, an eco-friendly raw material used to produce biodegradable plastics.

LG Chem and GS Caltex are collaborating on a joint project focusing on 3HP (3-Hydroxypropionic acid), an essential raw material for eco-friendly biodegradable plastics. The two entities recently completed construction of a 3HP testing plant at the GS Caltex Yeosu plant in South Jeolla, South Korea, that will begin prototype production in the first quarter of 2024.

3HP is produced through the microbial fermentation of plant-derived materials. The plastics derived from 3HP show exemplary biodegradability and flexibility, positioning them as viable replacements for various disposable materials, claims LG in a press release. Furthermore, 3HP can be transformed into bio-acrylic acid, positioning it as a next-generation platform chemical with applications in a range of materials, including super-absorbent polymers utilized in diapers, as well as paints, adhesives, coating materials and carbon fiber.

The joint venture involves synergizing LG Chem’s 3HP fermentation platform technologies with GS Caltex's refining technology and process scale-up capabilities—spanning lab-bench-pilot-demo (testing plant) to commercialization.

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