This year’s Electric Utility Chemistry Workshop (EUCW), June 4-6 in Champaign, Illinois, will feature insight into industrial steam generation chemistry, cooling water treatment, makeup water production technologies and environmental issues.
The EUCW, now in its 42nd year, will feature an optional half-day, pre-workshop seminar on the morning of June 4. This year’s subject: Foundational and Modern Concepts in Makeup Water Treatment.
“Far too often, makeup water treatment is neglected at CPI plants, which results in boiler tube failures and lost production,” explains Brad Buecker, president of Buecker & Associates and a member of the EUCW planning committee. “The continuing retirement of Baby Boomers is thrusting many new personnel into roles where they may not yet have adequate training. The EUCW can be very beneficial in that regard.”
You can register for the event here.