AI looks at chemical reactions

Researchers Use AI to Optimize Complex Chemical Reactions

Aug. 9, 2024
Team developed technology that could find ways to improve the understanding of chemical reactions involved in ammonia production and other complex chemical reactions.

Iowa State University researchers have developed an artificial intelligence framework called HDRL-FP (High-Throughput Deep Reinforcement Learning with First Principles) to optimize complex chemical reactions, focusing on ammonia production. This approach combines reinforcement learning with atomic position mapping to identify optimal reaction pathways efficiently.

The HDRL-FP system uses reward-based learning to find the most efficient and cost-effective reaction paths. It can quickly analyze thousands of potential pathways using graphics processing units and high-throughput strategies, effectively identifying viable mechanisms amidst noisy data in real chemical reactions.

According to a news release, “Our developed HDRL-FP framework has the potential to contribute significantly to the optimization of this process, potentially reducing production costs and CO2 emission, and facilitating the establishment of smaller and more widespread plants,” the researchers wrote in a paper recently published online by the journal Nature Communications. “Therefore, the framework highlights its effectiveness and potential for predicting complex chemical reaction pathways.”

Key advantages of this technology include:

1. Automatic identification of optimal reaction pathways

2. Applicability to general catalytic reaction studies

3. Ability to start with minimal input (atomic positions on an energy landscape)

4. Potential for reducing production costs and CO2 emissions

5. Possibility of enabling smaller, more widespread ammonia production plants

The researchers demonstrated the system's effectiveness by successfully analyzing the ammonia synthesis reaction, a crucial industrial process with global production of 160 million tons annually. This proof-of-concept shows promise for investigating and optimizing other complex catalytic chemical reactions, potentially leading to significant advancements in industrial chemical processes.

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