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China/Canada Trade War

China Plans to Slap Tariffs on Certain Canadian Chemical Exports

Sept. 3, 2024
Chemical wood pulp is a possible target for Chinese regulators.

China will open an antidumping investigation into some chemical and agricultural imports from Canada, the Wall Street Journal reported Sept. 3.

China’s commerce ministry hasn’t stated which chemical products it will target in its probe, but chemical wood pulp is one possibility, according to the WSJ article. China identified rapeseed as an agricultural product it plans to investigate, the WSJ reported.

Rapeseed is used to make oil for cooking and industrial uses.

Wood pulp, fibrous cellulosic material and waste was the fourth-largest Canadian export to China in 2023, with values totaling US$2.3 billion, according to a Trading Economics report.

China’s announcement comes a month after Canada said it would place import duties on Chinese electric vehicles, steel and aluminum.

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