Obioma Uche, Rochester Institute of Technology

RIT Researcher Awarded $250K to Develop Greener Methane-to-Ethylene Process

Sept. 20, 2024
Grant from the National Science Foundation funds exploration of a one-step ethylene production route using transition metal sulfide catalysts.

Obioma Uche, an assistant professor of chemical engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology, is researching a more efficient process to convert methane to ethylene using selective catalysts. This research aims to develop a more environmentally friendly method of producing ethylene, a crucial raw material in the chemical industry, while addressing global emission reduction goals.

“Methane is a key component of natural gas which is a fossil fuel,” said Uche in a news release. “But the benefit of using natural gas is that there are large untapped sources still present. And the reason this work is so important is not so much the actual source material but the desired end product. Ethylene is the number one organic compound produced worldwide.”

Uche received a $250,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to explore a one-step ethylene production route using transition metal sulfide catalysts. This method could reduce unwanted by-products like carbon dioxide compared to current multi-step processes.

“Previous research has been done in this area, but there’s lot less information about this process,” she said. “What is the pathway for this reaction? What is the mechanism for this reaction? What kind of kinetics is expected? What is the best sulfide catalyst to help you perform this oxidated coupling of methane? There are a lot of gaps that need to be filled, so as a computational scientist, I can use simulation tools to help fill in some of the gaps.”

The two-year project will employ theoretical calculations and simulations to screen effective catalysts and investigate reaction mechanisms. It aims to enhance the economic viability of this alternative approach in the U.S. chemical industry.

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