New books on sustainability, process safety and design are available from IChemE.
Twenty-five new technical books from Knovel are available to members of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) in 2022, including books on sustainability, major hazard management and chemical engineering design. IChemE members have free access to more than 300 leading references and databases via Knovel, an online resource of books, technical information, interactive equations and analytical tools.
New additions will help members embed sustainable principles and practices into their process designs. This includes, “Process Intensification and Integration for Sustainable Design,” which covers the latest advances in process intensification and integration with a focus on increasing sustainability via topics such as sustainable manufacturing, energy saving technologies and resource conservation and pollution prevention techniques.
“Process Safety Calculations (2nd Edition)” will equip practitioners and students who need to know how to calculate and predict risks and consequences with further knowledge on major hazard management, such as helping with demonstrating compliance with regulations and directives.
“Chemical Reaction Technology” was added to IChemE’s Knovel subscription due to member demand. This book will support students and practitioners in thermodynamics, kinetics, mass transfer, separation and environmental and economic issues associated with reaction technology on an industrial scale.
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