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View a Variety of Content

Sept. 11, 2012
Check out white papers, eHandbooks and product information.

At Chemical Processing, our goal is simple: to serve engineers designing and operating plants in the chemical industry. To do so, we offer myriad resources our readers can tap to make their plants as efficient, safe, environmentally friendly and economically competitive as possible.

In addition to the award-winning articles that appear in our magazine, the ChemicalProcessing.com website features web-exclusive content including thousands of products and hundreds of white papers and eHandbooks. These items must pass muster with our editorial staff before they make their way onto the site.

In the New Product Resource Center you can sort through more than 2,000 products by name, category, type or manufacturer. Once you've narrowed down your search, you can read a short description of the item, view a photo and directly contact the company via a link, if you wish. The page also highlights related offerings in that product category.

Our white paper library  houses nearly 300 papers in 11 categories, including fluid handling, security, wireless, automation and IT, design and simulation and environmental health and safety. These short reads (usually no longer than five pages) offer in-depth insight. They come from vendors – but must get okayed by Editor Mark Rosenzweig before they can earn a spot in the library. Some recent additions include:

Combustible Dust Raises Explosive Issues – This white paper is said to help manufacturers learn more about combustible dust hazards and ways to handle combustible dust to comply with relevant regulations.

Carbon Adsorption & Reactivation  -- This paper reviews activated carbon adsorption, the reactivation process, liquid-phase and vapor-phase adsorption design guidelines, and typical applications of the technology in industrial and environmental treatment.

Heating Water by Direct Steam Injection – This paper notes that direct steam injection suits situations where large volumes of hot water at precise temperatures are required, and saving space and energy are factors in the system design.

More resources available are our eHandbooks, which compile articles on a single topic from a variety of sources – including content from Chemical Processing magazine. The aim here is to package everything you need into one concise document. Our latest eHandbooks cover monitoring flow, offering a look at technologies and solutions affecting flow including: coriolis meters, magmeters and how to achieve effective flow control with centrifugal pumps. Another eHandbook deals with solids handling, bringing together information on how bulk solids actually will flow in a vessel or overall process; strategies for avoiding slurry trouble; and explosion protection methods including suppression, isolation and venting.

We hope you'll take advantage of these resources as the educational tools they are meant to be.

Traci Purdum is senior digital editor for Chemical Processing. You can e-mail her at [email protected].

On the social media front, be sure to check out her page.

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