Today, information about sizing a pump correctly, buying one rationally, and related material are readily available regarding most pumping applications. But it’s what isn’t so commonly shared that can lead you to disappointment and unnecessary headache.Many areas should be considered that could, indeed, affect pump life and quality, and the quality of the application — above and beyond pump performance. Consider these key factors before finalizing your hardware and application choices to increase pump reliability, substantially reduce the total cost of ownership, and increase the product’s return on investment.
AbrasivesMany applications feature particles suspended in the pumped fluid. The solids range in size from small bits of sand and rock, to potato scraps or sewage. What’s being pumped could be very abrasive, with the texture of liquid sandpaper that quickly wears away metals. Knowledge about material science can assist in warding off erosion.To read the rest of this article from Plant Services, visit: