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eHandbook: How To Fight Flow Challenges

July 16, 2014
In addition to flow pressure, volume and material state, achieving and maintaining desired flow performance depends upon properly addressing some complicated design and operational issues. In this Chemical Processing Flow eHandbook, we identify strategies and solutions for technical and economic constraints including:
Hydrogen systems – Inspections and tests for ensuring safety and flow
Axial compressors – achieving and maintaining desired performance
Fight flow recirculation – why the phenomenon occurs in centrifugal pumps and how to correct it
Learn more about these best flow practices. Download your copy of this Chemical Processing Flow eHandbook now.

In addition to flow pressure, volume and material state, achieving and maintaining desired flow performance depends upon properly addressing some complicated design and operational issues. In this Chemical Processing Flow eHandbook, we identify strategies and solutions for technical and economic constraints including:
Hydrogen systems – Inspections and tests for ensuring safety and flow
Axial compressors – achieving and maintaining desired performance
Fight flow recirculation – why the phenomenon occurs in centrifugal pumps and how to correct it
Learn more about these best flow practices.

Download your copy of this Chemical Processing Flow eHandbook now.